Wednesday 20 June 2018

Follow The Texts

I am about to sign off until some time tomorrow but, before I do, just look at how much we get out of Poul Anderson's texts, from Danish geography to medieval history. I happen to be interested in social philosophy but we discuss it here because Anderson does, not because I have brought it in as a hobbyhorse.

New points of interest can be found on multiple rereadings so, having just reread There Will Be Time and wanting to stay with the theme of historical and futuristic time travel, I have re-engaged with The Corridors Of Time and so far have read only as far as Chapter Four of twenty one.

Must go: meeting the guys in the Gregson.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I agree with what you said about the works of Poul Anderson. And I think the same can be said of the books of S.M. Stirling, Jerry Pournele, Larry Niven, etc.
