Sunday 24 June 2018

Time Travel Within A Time Machine

The idea that I had earlier was as follows. I had already suggested that a corridor built in space might give access to the history of events within a time corridor. See here. But there might be another way to time travel within the corridors.

Wardens and Rangers use time corridors. Their successors, the time wardens, use a torpedo-like vehicle with a transparent cabin, no visible controls and impossibly curved machines or shapes with apparently infinite expansions and regressions. Such a vehicle flies from North America to Denmark, then fire crawls among the curved shapes and the cabin is darkened while a temporal transition occurs. Two differences from a Time Patrol vehicle are that the transition is merely temporal, not spatiotemporal, and is not instantaneous for the travelers. If such a vehicle were flown into a time corridor, would it then be able to time travel within the corridor?

In Time Travel Villains, we imagined the Time Traveler's Time Machine traveling through the space and time within the Master's TARDIS as that vehicle travels through external space-time.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I'm almost at a loss on what to say. All I can think of is how this remindsm me of the flying time machine we see in THE DANCER FROM ATLANTIS.
