Monday 25 June 2018

Lockridge And Matuchek

Stopped in the time corridor by the mental onslaught of the time wardens, Malcolm Lockridge:

loses all his senses;
becomes a disembodied point in eternity and infinite space;
knows a horrific presence that negates everything - cold, dark, hollow;
is sucked into a vortex;
is not.

In Operation Chaos, Steve Matuchek:

is nowhere and nowhen;
is bodiless in infinite eternal dark, cold and emptiness;
is a point in spacetime;
is all that exists;
is under the regard of the egotistic Solipsist;
hears the Solipsist's thoughts, like hearing and drowning in the polar ocean;
feels a forceful malevolence.

Similar experiences in dissimilar contexts.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Of course I have read THE CORRIDORS OF TIME and OPERATION CHAOS, but I never thought before of comparing together these very similar experiences of Lockridge and Matuchek. Darn!

Anderson describing Satan as the supremely "egotistic Solipsist" is theologically sound.
