Sunday 24 June 2018

Two Corridors And One Tunnel

In the twenty third century, a tunnel has gates to two time corridors, one stretching back to the seventh century, the other forward to the Warden-Ranger era. They are all in the same place on the Earth's surface, known to us as Bavaria.

In the Warden realm, the anteroom is spacious and richly carpeted with red drapes, many lockers and four green-clad guards, all "...short, squat, flat-nosed and heavy-jawed." (The Corridors Of Time, CHAPTER FOURTEEN, p. 124) Genetic engineering is used to produce a subordinate class, ruled by aristocrats.

Rangers might travel along the earlier part of this corridor but cannot possibly use it to return to their own era and emerge from this gate. Storm created a corridor in twentieth century North America, intending to use it to attack the Ranger homeland but Brann, warned by Lockridge, counterattacked down the corridor as soon as it was activated.

This is a unique time travel narrative. I think that the phrase, "corridors of time," has been used metaphorically elsewhere but it is literal here.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Then, obviously, the Rangers have a gate to their own time period NOT controlled by the Wardens.

Sean said...

Yes. Lockridge escapes along one. And Storm gives them another!

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Another gate the Rangers can use? I've not gotten that far with rereading CORRIDORS.
