Sunday 5 March 2023

Wellsian Template: Heinlein, Blish And Anderson

The Template
time travel
space travel 
interplanetary invasion
future history

three circular causality classics
three "first man on the Moon" stories; interplanetary travel
The Puppet Masters: invasion by mind-controllers
the Future History and the Juvenile Future History

"The City That Was The World"; Midsummer Century
Welcome To Mars etc
Cities In Flight etc

Time Patrol, three novels, a collection
a lot of space travel
Martian military conquest of Earth; alien military superiority used to conquer Earth economically
eight or nine future histories 

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Yes, THE PUPPET MASTERS was one of Heinlein's better stories, before the quality of his writing so tragically declined, a decline beginning with STRANGER IN A STRANGE LAND.

Ad astra! Sean