Wednesday 15 March 2023

Vilkui And Huukani

Genesis, PART TWO, II.

A Vilku is an individual member of the order of wise persons. The plural is "Vilkui." (p. 112)

A huukin is a large fish that can be domesticated to accept a harness and pull a ship. The plural is "huukini." (p. 116)

Thus, the Latin plural, "-i," survives into yet another future. See POVs And Erulani.

The Vilku, Ilyandi, displays outstanding wisdom when she addresses Kalava's crew after they have all seen what we the readers know is a descending spacecraft:

the sight was fearful;
it confirms old stories;
but the sailors who told those stories returned home;
those who did not return must have been lost naturally;
because why should gods/demons kill only some?;
strangeness is not necessarily a threat;
the Vilkui know of strangenesses seen over centuries;
they neither understand nor fear them;
they respect signs from the gods;
the gods have sometimes spoken (this is true in this period);
the sight just seen is not unlike past divine manifestations;
it makes sense to regard this sign as good.

This is practical wisdom.


S.M. Stirling said...

The names sound rather Finnish, btw.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Mr. Stirling!

Once you mentioned that, they do!

Ad astra! Sean