Wednesday 29 March 2023

The Southern Continents On Avalon

The People of the Wind.

New Gaiila has scorching savannahs.

New Africa is the source of thick strong beer sold in the Nest in Centauri.

Equatoria has tool-using centaurs and therefore has not been colonized. It is also a death trap as the Terrans learn when they are misled into establishing a beachhead there.

There is probably more information scattered among Poul Anderson's texts. If found, it will be added here or in a later post. Anderson would definitely have created more environmental information than he was able to incorporate into the texts. "New Africa" is Anglic whereas "New Gaiila" is an Anglic adjective and a Planha noun. "Equatoria," like "Oronesia," is an appropriate coinage for a land mass on an extra-solar planet.

Fair winds forever.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And Equatoria reminded me of the real world country of Ecuador on Earth.

Ad astra! Sean