Friday 17 March 2023

Soul Theory

An animal feels hungry and eats or feels uncomfortably hot and withdraws. I think that consciousness, ranging from bodily sensation to abstract thought, is a property of organisms and a cause of their behaviour. It has been held that an immaterial soul is necessary either for consciousness or just for intellect and will and that each soul is either reincarnated or specially created.

If it were the case first that a soul is necessary for intelligence and secondly that intelligence is present not only in naturally grown human bodies but also in several kinds of artefacts, duplicates, conscious AI etc, then a new soul would have to be generated or somehow acquired in every newly created intelligence and emulation in Poul Anderson's Genesis. Multiple Christian Brannocks would enter a hypothetical hereafter. Do mind-body dualists accept this implication?


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Yes, but conscious, self aware AIs capable of knowingly and deliberately doing X instead of Y has not, as yet, been shown to be possible. So such questions seems moot.

Ad astra! Sean said...


Well, that's another issue. If any kind of artefact can duplicate brain functions, then that artefact will be conscious. Sf writers consider issues before such issues (maybe) arise, like Wells with aerial warfare.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I agree, good SF writers should examine any possibility which catches their interest. The thought I had was wondering if you were taking AIs a bit too seriously.

Ad astra! Sean