Wednesday 15 March 2023

How To Save Earth

Genesis, PART TWO, III.

In the normal course of stellar evolution, an expanding sun will destroy all life on Earth. Should the post-organic intelligences prevent this and, if so, how?

As a temporary measure, a large shield, held in place by gravity and electromagnetism, could protect Earth from increasing radiation. Then, employing the resources of several planetary systems, engines orbiting the sun and powered by it might either restore the sun's nuclear fusion by generating currents that would carry hydrogen down to the core or reduce the solar mass by bleeding gas into space. The latter measure would make the planets move further out, thus decreasing the requirement to reduce the solar mass.

Prolonging solar processes for billions of years might be a first step to engineering changes on a cosmic scale. Genesis is only a beginning.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Forget the AIs, I would far rather HUMANS only decided what to do about the problem of an expanding Sun in the remote future!

Ad astra! Sean

Jim Baerg said...

See this for a video on the idea of 'starlifting', ie: how to take mass away from a star to reduce its luminosity & increase its lifetime.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Jim!

I like that idea and I hope it might someday be achievable.

And no AIs should apply, thank you very much!

Ad astra! Sean