Thursday 30 March 2023

Morgana And The Narrator

"The Problem of Pain."

The planet unofficially called "Gray" has:

"' small, close-in, bright moon...'" (p. 115)

"Gray's moon was up, nearly full, swifter and brighter than Luna." (p. 129)

When Gray is settled and named Avalon, its moon will be called Morgana, a periodical will be named after it, Judith Dalmady/Lundren, daughter of Emil Dalmady, will write short stories to be published in Morgana and three of these will be collected in The Earth Book of Stormgate. Is Morgana scarred during the Terran War? Maybe not. If it is, then this information will be in The People of the Wind or the Earth Book.

During their sky dance for drowned Arrack, her family chants:

"'High flew your spirit on many winds... be always remembered....'" (p. 125)

We read these words again at the funeral of Ferune, Wyvan of Mistwood Choth, in The People of the Wind.

When Olga Berg is dying, Peter:

"...knelt again, beside her. He has not told me what he said, or how." (p. 130)

This is the only intrusion of the first person narrator into the central part of the story about Peter Berg's experience on Avalon.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I do recall reading somewhere of Morgana having new craters on it, from exploding missiles.

Ad astra! Sean