Tuesday 28 March 2023

Highsky Choth

The People of the Wind, III.

Although many Oronesian islands are home to a single household designated as a choth, the numerous Highsky Choth occupies a long stretch of the archipelago and controls some of its fisheries. A quarter of Highsky members are human. They include Tabitha Falkayn, a third generation member, brought up by Ythrians and the only human being resident on the island of St. Li. That she is a descendent of David Falkayn means little in Highsky but much in Stormgate. The Earth Book of Stormgate includes two narratives about David and one about his grandson, Nathaniel.

Most Highsky choth members observe the Old Faith which means polytheist animal sacrifices and drugs used in sacred revels. I would hope for a reformed Old Faith without the animal sacrifices. However, since Ythrians are carnivores, maybe this is a different proposition for them?


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I'm puzzled by your attitude toward polytheism. My view is it makes more sense to be a hard, not a soft pagan. I mean someone who actually believes there are many gods. A hard pagan should have no problem sacrificing animals to his "gods."

I don't understand soft pagans. They don't seem to even believe in their gods. Just playing at being polytheists. Frankly, while disagreeing with them, I have more respect for hard pagans.

Ad astra! Sean

paulshackley2017@gmail.com said...


I only participate in a pagan ritual when one comes around which is not very often. Belief in the literal existence of gods is not necessary. You are judging by the Christian criterion which insists on belief. The one ritual that I do attend regularly is Buddhist.
