Sunday 12 March 2023

Upload Brannock

Genesis, PART ONE, VII.

Dramatic scene changes: to Earth seventeen hundred years later, then to an extra-solar planet.

A moonless extra-solar planet with an atmosphere, a sea and primitive life is explored by a post-organic intelligence called "Intelligence Prime." We met an organic being of that name in Poul Anderson's The War Of Two Worlds. 

The post-organic Intelligence Prime:

has explored this planet for seven hundred years;

shares its knowledge with intelligences elsewhere in the known galaxy;

has nearly completed its understanding of the planet;

is beginning to direct its attention elsewhere;

is assisted by the download of Christian Brannock who:

has been uploaded into intelligences travelling further into the galaxy;

had intended to become unconscious for a while before being reactivated into some new undertaking;

but has instead decided to be incorporated into Intelligence Prime who will thus gain Brannock's memories as well as the ability to resurrect him.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

This is confusing. As you wrote it, we see two Intelligence Primes. I think there was only one such entity--which decided to "reconstitute" Christian Brannock.

Ad astra! Sean said...


Now I am confused. There is an extra-solar being called "Intelligence Prime" in THE WAR OF TWO WORLDS and a post-organic with the same name in GENESIS.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I know, but I did not have THE WAR OF TWO WORLDS in mind. It was your mentions of the non-organic Intelligence Prime that I wasn't sure I understood your comments on correctly. But I see now the download of Christian Brannock decided to be merged with the Intelligence Prime studying that primitive extra-Solar planet.

Ad astra! Sean