Monday 27 March 2023

On Avalon

What is evident on rereading Poul Anderson's The People of the Wind, I, is the realization of the planet Avalon as a physical environment. The city of Gray, named after the captain of the Grand Sutvey ship, Olga, is on Falkayn Bay, named after David Falkayn. Christopher Holm/Arinnian, flying straight up from Gray by antigravity belt, sees Bay, city, countryside, other fliers of different species and sea and air vehicles. Three ecologies merge: imported Terran and Ythrian and native Avalonian. Anderson describes ranches, pastures, animals and trees.

When Arinnian has reached his destination, Lythran'a aerie on Mount Fairview in the Andromedas/the Weathermother, the description becomes more detailed:

Ythrian trees

native flowers
Buddha's cup
harp vine singing in the breeze

Constellations, Wheel, Sword, Zirraukh and Ship, are visible and Arinnian reflects on other regions of Avalon:

Plains of Long Reach
arctic marshes
scorching New Gaiilan savannah
the many islands that are most of the land

A well conceived almost real place.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I agree! One of the many strengths of Poul Anderson, as an SF writer, is his careful, meticulous, and imaginative descriptions of fictional extra-Solar planets. A worthy disciple and successor of Hal Clement, who inspired and pioneered this kind of science fiction.

Ad astra! Sean