Monday 6 March 2023

A Maze

See the combox for the previous post. Of course I had forgotten about SM Stirling's shape-changers, having read that series once a while back. Works of imagination by different authors are like a four- or five-dimensional maze. Reflecting on future histories, I remembered what I call the Wellsian template (see also here). That led to "interplanetary invasion," thus to Poul Anderson's The War Of Two Worlds and then finally to shape-changing.

Wells, Stapledon and Anderson all have (very different) Martians invading Earth. Stapledon also has Terrestrials invading Venus. In CS Lewis' Perelandra, Terrestrial evil invades Venus as Lewis replies to both Wells and Stapledon. Anderson has an Earthman exterminating Venerians. ERB has Moonmen invading Earth, forgetting that they should not be able to cope with Terrestrial gravity. Anderson's Martian invaders cope with Terrestrial atmosphere and gravity although with some discomfort. 

We can go backward, forward, up, down and sideways in the imaginarium maze and do not know where we will arrive at next. I will get back to Anderson's culminating Frankensteinian future history, Genesis, when I have retrieved my paperback copy.


S.M. Stirling said...

And that book of nine was, among other things, a hommage to Jack Williamson's DARKER THAN YOU THINK, which Poul also liked. He wrote a story set in that universe for a tribute anthology done for Williamson... just as I didin the Time Patrol universe for Poul's.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Mr. Stirling!

Alas, Jack Williamson is one of those far too numerous writers whose works I've not read, unless it was one or two stories by him I no longer recall having read.

Ad astra! Sean

S.M. Stirling said...

Sean: so many books, so little time... 8-).

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Mr. Stirling!

Far too true! But I hope we can read in the afterlife.

Ad astra! Sean said...

Someone said that his Heaven would be a ot of books but surely it would be the Reality that the books had been about. said...


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Of course, because God is the ultimate Reality. But I don't believe He would object to humbler things like reading.

Ad astra! Sean