Sunday 22 March 2020

Falkayn's Father's Castle Or Mansion And The Milky Way

"The Three-Cornered Wheel."

See Other Places for "...his father's castle..." and combox discussion of that terminology.

Further input to this discussion:

"...his father's mansion and his mother's face rose up to make his eyes sting..." (II, p. 217)

We will see the mansion and Falkayn's mother, although not his by then deceased father, in Mirkheim.

"He stopped at midday to eat and sleep awhile, and again shortly before sunset." (ibid.)

For reasons that are essential to the plot, Falkayn is on a long journey. Here is another parallel with Chandos. The latter, driving through France, stops to eat and sleep on a grassy bank and thus witnesses a murder. Minor events like lunch breaks are usually more significant in fiction than they are on Earth Real. I have just eaten a snack but have neither witnessed a murder nor been attacked - as Falkayn soon will be.

The Sanctuary guard who joins him at his campfire has a:

"...mane like a forested mountain against the Milky Way." (p. 220)

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Well, most of us, in our humdrum and very ordinary lives, are not likely to get the kind of adventures young Falkayn gets! Which is just as well because most of us would fail dismally trying to cope with real adventures.

Ad astra! Sean