Thursday 26 March 2020

How Do Intelligence And Culture Work?

Ythri, viewed from space:

a few clusters of buildings, lacking defensive walls or regular streets, near primitive mines;

otherwise, small settlements scattered through large unpopulated areas;

some hunting, fishing and gathering cultures;

others metallurgic and pastoral;

a few dirt tracks between buildings and mines;

a few docks.

So how do the few original individuals necessary for progressive cultures communicate?

Answer: Ythrians fly.

Cainites live in isolated families with only occasional barter, individual conflicts or hunting alliances so how do they transmit tradition, communicate ideas and stimulate brains?

Answer: the dominant species creates and innovates while the subordinate species, more than the mere talking dogs that they appear to be, communicates and preserves.


S.M. Stirling said...

Both could happen, neither is likely, but in a big enough universe with enough intelligent species, very unlikely things would happen.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And most flying races would find walls and fortifications rather pointless.

The luckless Lugals of Cain needs more thinking about, IMO.

Ad astra! Sean