Wednesday 25 March 2020

Under The Moons Of Vanessa

"Norman Bean" was ERB's pen name. "Under The Moons of Mars" by Norman Bean was republished as A Princess Of Mars by Edgar Rice Burroughs.

In the following passage, the planet Vanessa seems to me to reflect ERB's Mars/Barsoom:

"Dinner was served in the roof turret, which had a view like being outdoors. By night Vanessa took on beauty. Both moons were aloft, small and swift, turning the land to a fantasy of dim silver and moving shadows. The lake gleamed, the native towers looked like giant blossoms. Overhead, the sky was splendid with stars..."
-"A Sun Invisible," IV, p. 289.

Over dinner, Falkayn mentions and explains rogue planets. They will be crucial to the plot.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Hmmm, "Vanessa"? Was this a Burroughsian allusion by Anderson? He MUST have read ERB's Barsoom stories. I would not be surprised if Burroughs was among the writers inspiring PA to try his own hand writing stories.

Ad astra! Sean

S.M. Stirling said...

ERB adopted that pen-name because he thought people would consider him crazy due to the extravagance of his imagination, btw.