Monday 23 March 2020

Noah Arkwright On Sophontology

(I am having problems downloading images, hopefully only temporarily. Shortly: it was.)

Poul Anderson, "A Sun Invisible" IN Anderson, The Van Rijn Method (Riverdale, NY, 2009), pp. 263-315.

Noah Arkwright fictitiously writes the Introduction to "A Sun Invisible." The first time that I read The Trouble Twisters, I was so in favor of the idea that human beings and members of other intelligent species might travel through interstellar space and interact with each other on extra-solar planets on a regular basis that I welcomed Arkwright's knowledgeable-sounding discussion of such a scenario. See Noah Arkwright II.

It sounds like a rationalization to say, yes, most other races will be incomprehensible to us but even a small minority sufficiently like us for regular communication will be a big number so we will interact with that (large) minority and ignore all the others. That is a welcome premise for people, like me then, who like reading about spaceships and aliens but it is probably not a reliable guide to what is really out there.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

It makes sense to me, that if other intellOgent races exist, we would have most to do with those species whose biochemistries are enough like ours we would alternately cooperate with or have disputes with.

Let's get out THERE and find out!!!!!!

Ad astra! Sean