Friday 20 March 2020

A Novel Or Not?

Is The Trouble Twisters (New York, 1977) a tripartite novel (see image) about the early career of David Falkayn?

In Part I, "The Three-Cornered Wheel," Falkayn is apprenticed to Martin Schuster.

In Part II, "A Sun Invisible," he is a journeyman with Solar Spice & Liquors (SSL) and the Polesotechnic League's factor on the planet, Garstang's. He must deal with the factor on the planet, Vanessa, Master Beljagor, and hopes to come to the attention of SSL's owner, Nicholas van Rijn. It is mentioned that he had heard some Yiddish from Martin Schuster.

In Part III, "The Trouble Twisters," van Rijn appoints Falkayn, now a Master Merchant of the Polesotechnic League, to lead his first trade pioneer crew, Falkayn compares one of the crew members, Chee Lan, to Master Beljagor and, at one stage, reflects that he himself is no Martin Schuster.

Thus, maybe the three narratives, originally published independently, are unified enough to count as the three parts of a single novel?

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

With some revisions or the addition of linking material, the three stories in THE TROUBLE TWISTERS could have been morphed together into a "fixed up" novel like TWILIGHT WORLD.

Ad astra! Sean