Sunday 22 March 2020

New Ideas

"The Three-Cornered Wheel."

The Ivanhoan theocracy has had no new ideas for so long that it no longer has any built-in resistance to them. Martin Schuster does not challenge beliefs but does make suggestions and ask questions. He will overthrow the regime.

This is my basic approach to Mormon missionaries. They need to hear new ideas and they at least listen. They are not Evangelical Christians with whom dialogue is impossible. They should at least learn by meeting members of the diverse British and European populations.

A couple of them have advised me to ask God in the name of His Son for the truth about religious matters, so, the next time I get into a conversation, I will be able to tell them that I have now done that. They are active here as are Witnesses, including Polish converts with literature in their own language, but I had to go to Birmingham to meet Muslim street propagandists. All of these groups are different and it would be very wrong to put them all in one bag.

When a gaunt man shouts of an obscure salvation on a street corner in Centauri on Avalon, which group does he belong to or is he trying to found one? (See Exotica And Mirrors.)

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Ha! At first I thought those two young men in the picture were holding passports!

I agree it's almost impossible to have serious discussions with many, not all "Evangelical" Protestants. And I hope there are still Catholic missionaries in the UK.

Pity we were not told more about that "gaunt man" we glimpsed in THE PEOPLE OF THE WIND.

Ad astra! Sean