Sunday 22 March 2020

Death By Flaying

"The Three-Cornered Wheel."

"'The fact is that the malkino is too holy to be put to base use. The penalty for transgressing this law is death by flaying, lest God's wrath fall on the entire land." (I, p. 205)

In Romance languages, "mal-" means "bad," although CS Lewis gave God the name "Maleldil" in Solar.

On Ivanhoe, a malkino is a circle which is a perfect shape and a manifestation of God. One person must be tortured to death to save everyone else from God's wrath...

Beautiful ceremonies could be built around the symbolism of the circle. The cross represents an instrument of torture and execution although perhaps it could instead be interpreted as the longer vertical line of eternity intersecting the shorter horizontal line of time?


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I disagree, the Cross no LONGER means an agonizing death. Rather, it reminds us of the means God the Son Himself chose to endure for bringing salvation to mankind.

Ad astra! Sean said...


But that means that had to be endured WAS an agonizing death. You can't get away from that.

I think that he believed that his vicarious suffering would initiate the kingdom and died realizing that this had failed.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And I don't believe at that was the case. My view remains that of Lewis: Christ did and said things that makes sense only if He was either a madman or truly God Incarnate. And I affirm and believe the Resurrection was the supreme proof of that.

Which is what Poul Anderson said, btw, in "A Chapter of Revelation."

Ad astra! Sean