Tuesday 31 March 2020

Fourre Versus Reinach


Because, in his private discussion with the disarmed Fourre, Reinach does not agree to resign, Fourre does not blow his whistle and the planned mutiny goes ahead. We are to understand that the longer term future of mankind is secured.

Fourre has maneuvered Reinach's supporters out of town:

Brevoort to establish relations with the Ukraanian revolutionary government;

Ferenczi to collect merchant ships from Genoa;

Janosek fighting the bandits in Schleswig.

We read the argument between Fourre and Reinach and are also told that Valti's equations support Fourre but I think that we are persuaded by Fourre's arguments in any case?

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I remain skeptical of Valti's "new mathematics" of a predictive science of humanity. What I found more convincing was the argument that Reinach's soldierly approach for solving problems too often meant going for short term solutions while ignoring dangerous possible long term consequences.

Ad astra! Sean