Thursday 19 March 2020

Other Places

"The Trouble Twisters."

Falkayn remembers:

"...his father's castle on Hermes...," (VII, p. 145) although, in Mirkheim, the Falkayns live in a manor house (see The Falkayn Domain);

"...a party at Ita Yamatsu's place in Tokyo Integrate...," thus informing us of another Integrate in the Solar Commonwealth period.

In this part of the narrative, Falkayn is kidnapped, Chee Lan is captured and Adzel is pursued so we are back into action-adventure fiction but more will happen after that.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

It's also possible that presidents of Hermetian domains like that of the Falkayns had a much grander house than a simple manor, grand enough to be called a castle.

Ad astra! Sean

S.M. Stirling said...

“Castle” can have variable meanings. Many late medieval noble-gentry dwellings had features like crenellations or moats without serious military functions, simply for prestige and status. In German, ‘Schloss’ can refer either to what we’d call a castle or to an unfortified manor.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Mr. Stirling!

I agree! I also had in mind that many castles, as they became obsolete from a military POV, were transformed into the kinds of structures you mentioned.

Ad astra! Sean