Wednesday 14 February 2018

"An Odor Of Leaves And Distances"

Poul Anderson describes Nat Falkayn's sensory experiences during a visit to the Weathermaker Choth, e.g. after Nat has surveyed the colorful view from a balcony of the tall stone tower:

"The wind murmured, caressed his face with coolness, blew him an odor of leaves and distances, a smoky whiff of Thuriak's body."
-Poul Anderson, "Wingless" IN Anderson, Rise Of The Terran Empire (Riverdale, NY, 2011), pp. 293-306 AT p. 299.

(Thuriak is an Ythrian.)


sees much;
hears and feels the wind;
smells leaves, distances and Thuriak.

Four senses but what do distances smell like? A wind that, combined with other sensory cues, generates the impression of having blown a long way? Have we discussed this before? See The Obala IV where "The air smelled of salt and distance." Salt wind from the ocean might indeed evoke distance.

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