Friday 16 February 2018

Details I Missed On Avalon

Chapter Three

Equatorial diameter: 11,308 kilometres. Highest Andromedan peak: 4500 metres. Corona, the north polar continent extending past the Tropic of Swords: eight million square kilometers, comparable to Australia. In the Southern hemisphere, Equatoria, New Africa and New Gaiila are small continents or large islands.
-copied from "Who Knows Of Avalon?" here.

I missed some details:

Avalon's molten core is smaller in proportion than Earth's;
the planet's 0.635 mass cannot store as much heat;
therefore, mountain-forming forces are weaker;
erosion is faster;
atmospheric pressure, similar at sea level, drops more slowly with height because of the different gravity gradient;
rapid rotation causes violent weather;
therefore, the surface is low - the highest Andromedan peak only 4500 meters (see above);
there are no great land masses;
the only real continent, Corona, is eight million square kilometers, the size of Australia (see above);
the Southern land masses are more properly called large islands;
otherwise, there are only smaller islands;
however, one gigantic feature is the Oronesian archipelago, a submerged range with peaks rising above the ocean surface, described in the next paragraph of "Who Knows Of Avalon?"

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