Wednesday 21 February 2018

Avalon And Starkad

Smaller than Earth;
turbulent weather;
only one real, small, continent;
many islands;
colonized by two intelligent species, walkers and fliers;
part of the Domain of Ythri but claimed by the Terran Empire during a border dispute;
Lieutenant Philippe Rochefort, prisoner of war on Avalon, prays to St. Joan and God the Father.

gravity and atmosphere erode land masses;
shallow, turbulent oceans;
no real continents;
many islands;
two native intelligent species, land-dwellers and sea-dwellers;
in the middle of a hundred light-year neutral zone between the Terran Empire and the Merseian Roidhunate;
Merseians help sea-dwellers so Terrans help land-dwellers;
Commander Max Abrams, chief of Terran Intelligence on Starkad, recites the Kaddish.

Something I have learned is: if someone has left a building and you are up to no good in his absence, give him time to get clear away; people often remember something that they have left and turn back. A Merseian spy on Starkad should have taken this precaution.

1 comment: said...

Kaor, Paul!

A good point! And that was exactly what happened. Commander Abrams had forgotten to place in secure and locked files the documents he had been studying, so he grumpily went back and discovered Dwyr the Hook, prematurely burglarizing his office.

And one thing to remember about Starkad is that it was only marginally habitable by humans, who were unable to breathe the atmosphere at sea level. But at higher altitudes the air was breathable for humans.
