Sunday 25 February 2018

The Next Stage Of A Career

In Ensign Flandry, the nineteen year old Ensign Dominic Flandry was electro-crammed in Eriau before a visit to Merseia. In A Circus Of Hells, the twenty one year old Lieutenant (j.g.) Dominic Flandry is able to interpret between Eriau and Anglic when the Merseian cruiser Brythioch makes a good will visit to the Terran Naval base on Irumclaw.

Flandry meets Afal Ymen whose rank corresponds approximately to commander. I said here that "Fodaich" was perhaps "Commander" because I thought that Fodaich Runei had been referred to as a commander but in fact he was introduced as "Commandant Runei."

Flandry re-meets Tachwyr the Dark whose rank has not changed from mei, approximately lieutenant (j.g.). Since they met on Merseia, both Flandry and Tachwyr have gone into Intelligence. Meanwhile, Max Abrams, Flandry's mentor, has been promoted from commander to captain.

Abrams is another character that we would like to have seen again although he does make one brief appearance in a reminiscence of his daughter, Miriam.

The Young Flandry Trilogy presents a systematic account of three stages of Flandry's early career, taking him from ensign to commander. Thus, the next stage is captain which is what he was when first seen in the earlier published "Tiger By The Tail."

1 comment: said...

Kaor, Paul!

In the combox to that other blog piece you linked to, I speculated that the Merseian "Fodaich" was equivalent to the human "commodore" or "rear admiral."
Altho the former title seems to have fallen largely into disuse with most navies.
