Friday 23 February 2018

Persis D'Io

Lord Hauksberg's concubine, not a standard fictional heroine, is beautiful, intelligent and imaginative. Watching Ondine while on Starkad frightens her because its strangeness reminds her of how far they are from home. She watches a mermaid floating beneath an unreal sea. To her, the hyperdrive sounds like:

"'Ghosts flitting forever in darkness.'"
-Poul Anderson, Ensign Flandry IN Anderson, Young Flandry (Riverdale, NY, 2010), pp. 1-192 AT Chapter Seven, p. 66.

(HG Wells' Time Traveler is a ghost flitting for all time between alternating light and darkness.)

Persis voluntarily accompanies Nicky Falkayn on his dangerous escape from Merseia and later turns out to be the mother of his son. She is yet another character that we would like to see more of.

Real life continues: I am out of bed early and posting quickly over breakfast because Lancaster University teaching staff want my support in campaigning against a threat to their pensions. After that, I must buy a car but meanwhile will be mentally drafting the next post.

1 comment: said...

Kaor, Paul!

I too would have liked to have seen Persis d'Io again. And her planet of Sassan seems to have been settled by NON Muslim Iranians (the planet's name refers to the dynasty ruling Persia before the Arab conquest).

I long, long ago came to distrust gov't or corporate pensions. Instead, I focused on saving and investing. The trick being to start SMALL and let it grow over time.
