Friday 23 February 2018

SF Travelogue

Dominic Flandry has had some action on Starkad, defending first a ship, then a coastal town, of the Terran-backed land-dwellers from attacks by the Merseian-backed sea-dwellers. Now, in true sf travelogue style, he must be given a quick tour of the sea-dwellers' domain before the plot of Ensign Flandry and Commander Max Abrams whisk him away to Merseia.

The xenologist, John Ridenour, leads a team of:

two assistant xenologists;
one engineer ensign;
four Navy men with diving experience;
Dominic Flandry -

- the only Terran who can persuade the land-dwelling Tigeries to attempt peace-talks with the Seatrolls and who must therefore accompany the mission to satisfy the Tigeries although Ridenour warns him to stay out of the way.

Team members wear sea-pressure-bearing armor and talk by radio. In the shallow Starkadian sea, long green, brown and yellow fronds ripple upward and filaments trail from branches in a forest of massive trees. Other information has been summarized in Back To Starkad II and Back To Starkad III.

3 comments: said...

Kaor, Paul!

Now THAT was interesting, underwater TREES. I had completely forgotten that strange detail.


Jim Baerg said...

The underwater 'trees' sound a lot like kelp.
I suspect Poul was inspired by that plant that lives in some parts of Earth's oceans.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Jim!

Yes, but from the description, Anderson had something more solid and substantial than kelp in mind.

Merry Christmas! Sean