Thursday 22 February 2018

A Guest Suite In Highport On Starkad

(Sorry to use this dreadful cover but I have to vary the images somehow.)

Lord Hauksberg hosts a small gathering to which Ensign Flandry, now a local hero, is invited:

a liveried servant announces guests;
iridescent walls;
comfortable loungers;
an animated low-gee performance of Ondine;
two servants behind a buffet table;
three servants circulating;
a waiter with a tray instantly intercepting the host's setting down of a glass;
officers in dress uniform;
Hauksberg's colorfully garbed staff;
his concubine the only woman present;
Hauksberg, physically fitter than most nobles, greeting Flandry as "'Our gallant ensign...'" and putting him at his ease.

Civilized living is alive and well in the Terran Empire and its outposts.

1 comment: said...

Kaor, Paul!

Ha! I remember part of ENSIGN FLANDRY as both serious and amusing. Flandry and other military personnel had wondered why the Imperium had that "silly looking hotel" built on a military base when they believed what was needed was more military supplies. Abrams explained that since the Empire was on Starkad for political reasons then political supported would be needed to sustain the effort. And that support would be less likely if politicians and courtiers used to elegant and comfortable living were offended. That "silly looking hotel" was an investment.

And I agree Abrams was right! This is simply how human beings behave in reality.
