Saturday 24 February 2018

Two Trilogies And A Sequel

I would like it if the seven volume The Technic Civilization Saga were rearranged so that Dominic Flandry was not in Volume VII. If this were to be done, then:

Vols I-III would be united by the figure of David Falkayn;

Vols IV-VI would be united by the figure of Dominic Flandry;

Vol VII would succeed both.

The difference would be that, whereas Vol I begins long before Falkayn's birth and Vol III ends long after his death, Flandry is alive throughout Vols IV-VI. Nevertheless, Falkayn is present in all of the first three volumes. Furthermore, the consequences of his actions continue and are still explicitly acknowledged by other characters until the end of Vol III.

Thus, the series would comprise a Falkayn trilogy and a Flandry trilogy followed by a one-volume sequel. The Technic History is long and complicated but this formula summarizes it to some extent.

1 comment: said...

Kaor, Paul!

I agree something like this would make a good idea, esp. collecting the four post-Imperial stories into a separate volume ("A Tragedy of Errors," THE NIGHT FACE, "Th Sharing of Fleshy," and "Starfog), which I could call THE POST-IMPERIAL AGE. Moreover, I propose including as an appendix the stories revised or incorporated into longer works: "Margin of Profit," "The White King's War," "Tiger by the Tail," "Honorable Enemies," and "Warriors from Nowhere."
