Friday 16 February 2018


(The human being looks very like Adam Strange.)

In the Terran Empire:

Greater Terra includes many nonhuman populations;
many nonhuman individuals are Terran citizens;
however, more human beings are in key positions.

By contrast, in the Domain of Ythri, human beings inhabit a single planet although they are the majority there. Reflecting on his species' minority status in the Domain, Daniel Holm asks:

"'...we rate respect too. Don't we?'"
-Poul Anderson, The People Of The Wind IN Anderson, Rise Of The Terran Empire (Riverdale, NY, 2011), Chapter II, p. 460.

That sounds like the current plea that white heterosexual men also have rights. Of course we do: the same human rights as everyone else.

1 comment: said...

Kaor, Paul!

What we see in the Empire about many non humans not only becoming Terran citizens but also enlisting in the armed forces and civil service, sprang directly from what the Founder, Manuel Argos, declared in "The Star Plunderer" that all worthy non humans could become Imperial citizens. I've even wondered if any non humans rose to sit on the Policy Board.

But, yes, simply because humans had become so widespread and a human had founded the Empire, there would be a tendency for humans to be the largest single group among the leaders of the Empire.

Also, let's not forget Betelgeuse! Many humans had settled in the Sartaz's realm and prospered, with some rising to high office. And unlike some humans on Avalon, they did not suffer from having an inferiority complex vis a vis the Ythrians.
