Thursday 15 February 2018

Arinnian And Eyath

Christopher Holm/Arinnian (human male) and Eyath (Ythrian female) are members of Stormgate Choth on Avalon and have been close friends, like brother and sister, since childhood.

My problem is that I do not visualize. My thought processes are almost entirely abstract. When I read about Eyath with her arm around Arinnian's shoulder, I vaguely imagine her as looking something like Hawkgirl (see image). But she does not look like that. Eyath, an Ythrian:

has lips, not a beak, a long neck and a crested head;
is covered with rippling feathers that she can use to communicate;
is glorious in flight but walks awkwardly on folded wings;
does not need clothes, except a belt to hold pouch and weapons;
has real, not artificial, wings.

I can barely visualize such a being but do know that I would find close physical proximity with an Ythrian horrific. Jack Birnam is allergic to Ythrians although Ayan, Wyvan of Stormgate Choth, suspects that Jack's allergy is psychosomatic.

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