Friday 16 February 2018

Organizing The Defense Of Avalon

The Andromedan regional Khruath decided that western Corona and northern Oronesia should defend the Hesperian Sea against an expected Terran attack. Andromedan mountaineers and Oronesian pelagics will have communication problems quite apart from the fact that there are human beings and Ythrians on both sides. Therefore, bird-to-bird and ornithoid-to-ornithoid conferences precede fuller negotiations. (By "bird," we mean a human member of a choth as opposed to an orthohuman who is represented in the Parliament of Man. By "ornithoid," we mean an Ythrian.)

Therefore, Christopher Holm/Arinnian of Stormgate Choth travels by aircar to spend a few days with Tabitha Falkayn/Hrill of Highsky Choth who is not only a fellow "bird" and an acquaintance but also, importantly in the Andromedas if not in Oronesia, a direct descendant of the Founder.

This feels like a real campaign. I await further details with interest.

1 comment: said...

Kaor, Paul!

It's a pity maps of Avalon were not drawn, using the data found in THE PEOPLE OF THE WIND, to shows us the general outline of the planet. We do have maps for Imhotep and Daedalus in THE GAME OF EMPIRE, however.
