Wednesday 14 February 2018

Early Days On Avalon

Of David and Coya Falkayn's (first?) two children, Juanita is three years older than Nicholas. Nicholas' son, Nat, grows up on Avalon. I deduce from this that David's granddaughter who named Avalon after he had decided to colonize it was a young daughter of Juanita.

Judith Lundgren tells us that the original explorers had barely skimmed the planet's mysteries. Those explorers were the crew of the Grand Survey spaceship, Olga, under Captain Gray and an Ythrian expedition. See here.

Initially, human beings settle on some of the Hesperian Islands and Ythrians on others. The Falkayns live in Chartertown on First Island. When Ythrians are dinner guests, the conversation is usually not in Anglic so Nat is motivated to learn Planha which is a school requirement.

When Nat is twelve years Terran, seventeen Avalonian, both species begin to plan colonization of the Coronan continent. Nicholas Falkayn, an engineer, joins a research and development team at the Ythrian settlement of Trauvay/Wingland and takes his family with him. Nat socializes with young Ythrians and accepts an invitation to spend Freedom Week with the Weathermaker Choth.

1 comment: said...

Kaor, Paul!

It's possible, what you said about Juanita and David Falkayn's grand daughter. But she could just as easily have been Nicholas Falkayn's daughter.

Hmmm, do you remember the city of Olga's Landing, on the planet Imhotep, which we see in THE GAME OF EMPIRE? The city's name makes me wonder if the Grand Survey also discovered the Patrician System.
