Monday, 24 February 2025

The Horn And Jong Errifrans

Poul Anderson's "The Horn of Time the Hunter"/"Homo Aquaticus" stands in the same relationship to earlier Kith stories as his "Starfog" does to earlier Technic History stories, the point in both cases being that human populations in widely scattered planetary systems have been separated for so long that not only future history but also future evolution is now involved. It is fitting when a future history series concludes with an instalment that shows how things have panned out in a further future. There are other examples.

Despite not being incorporated into Starfarers, "The Horn..." remains organically linked to this future history series. It is about Kithmen and its viewpoint character is one Jong Errifrans. Both "Ghetto" and Starfarers, 21, inform us that a Kithman of that name is a friend of Kenri Shaun although not on Earth at the time. 

We need two boxed sets:

I. A collection of three Kith stories; the novel, Starfarers.

II. A collection of three Maurai stories; the novels, Orion Shall Rise and There Will Be Time.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

The original, unrevised texts of the Kith stories should also be preserved, at least as appendices for the first collection.

Ad astra! Sean said...


But the collection would collect the originals and the novel incorporates two revisions.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Then I should have paid more attention to your blog piece.

Ad astra! Sean