Friday, 21 February 2025

POV In NGC 5460

Starfarers, 14, p. 98.

On this page, the viewpoint changes from collective to individual. In the first three paragraphs, Envoy enters NGC 5460. We are told:

" could see those faint glimmers..."

"" means any of the ten crew members. Again:

"The crew fared onward in awe."

The remaining three paragraphs recount a conversation. Dayan addresses Nansen. Yu comments. Nansen asks a question. Immediately we are told:

"The question sent an electric thrill along his spine and through his skin."

Nansen has become the individual viewpoint character. No one else experiences a thrill in Nansen's spine or skin. The philosophical question of subjectivity and objectivity is present in every fictional narrative.

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