Starfarers, 10, 21.
In 10, Kith Town is surrounded by a vicarial preserve; in 21, by a city. How much history has elapsed?
Vicarial Preserve
boundless grass hiding remnants of farmsteads
a herd of grazing neobison, hunted only by wild dogs and master-class men
flocking crows
broken walls
scattered slabs and shards
soaring towers
their columns, tiers and pinnacles
glowing streets and skyways, resembling phosphorescent spiderwebs
strings, arcs and fountains of blazing, flashing lights of every colour
brilliance heightened by scraps of dark sky
Viewing the city from a monorail, Kenri Shaun wonders whether any world is more exotic.
I remember as a small child looking at a big city and knowing that incomprehensible adult activities went on there. Sf writers imagine future cities beyond our comprehension.
Though you can argue that as communications and transport become better, cities will become unnecessary. If you can talk to a holograph indistinguishable from the real person, and fast robots transport everything, why do you need to live cheek-by-jowl with millions and tolerate the inconveniences?
Kaor, Mr. Stirling!
But I think humans have an instinctual inclination to live fairly close together. Also, I think many things, jobs, professions, etc., are best practiced in cities.
Ad astra! Sean
Sean: yes, but not by the millions. Hundreds at most; a hamlet or small village.
Kaor, Mr. Stirling!
But I can't really see cities disappearing. They are simply too useful.
Ad astra! Sean
Sean: they're useful because face-to-face dealings are useful. If that doesn't remain so...
Kaor, Mr. Stirling!
I think that need is a permanent part of human nature--and helps to make us even "be" human.
Ad astra! Sean
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