Sunday, 16 February 2025

Crew Members II

See Crew Members.

If I had reread further the other night, then I would have been reminded that, in Chapter 6, Mamphela Mokoena, biologist and physician, and Lajos Ruszek, mate and first pilot, not only meet each other but also watch Alvin Brent, second engineer, on television. Thus, this chapter introduces three, not just two, of the ten Envoy crew members.

Both the United States and Australia had lost territory in the Space War. Brent speaks for Americans and appeals to Australians. According to Brent:

the US and Australia were betrayed;

the Federated Nations bleated about peace;

intellectuals, media and politicians squealed about nuclear weapons;

bankers, churches and corporations had hidden agendas.

He shrilly denounces conspirators. He wants humankind to possess the universe!

That is one big conspiracy: Federated Nations, intellectuals, media, politicians, bankers, churches, corporations, a lot of humankind. They betray, bleat and squeal with hidden agendas! Does he not want any of them to possess the universe? Let us hope that the North Star Society has some speakers who are capable of addressing their fellow human beings with a modicum of respect. Or are they all like Brent?

Poul Anderson knew how to write such guys. I would have found it difficult to put words into the mouth of a man like that. It sounds as though the Envoy is doing a good job by just taking him away from Earth.

(Googling has disclosed a number of "North Star" organizations. I trust that I can advertise one without in way associating it with Brent's outfit. See Nexus.)


Jim Baerg said...

I recall reading that 'conspire' comes from a Latin term meaning 'breath together' & the original meaning was just that different people were working in ways that promoted a particular goal, not *necessarily* involving any mutual consultation about methods. It quickly acquired connotations of secret meetings & evil intent.
Conspiracies in the original sense are likely much more common than those with the acquired connotation.
Brent seems to believe in the secret meeting & evil intent version.

S.M. Stirling said...

The modern definition of conspiracy is more effective for political mobilization. Also, losing a war makes people really cranky, and -that- is an effective political mobilization tool.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Mr. Stirling!

We saw that in Germany after WW I!

As a Catholic I'm all too familiar with whackaloon anti-Catholic conspiracy theories.

Ad astra! Sean

S.M. Stirling said...

Sean: not as prevalent as anti-Jewish conspiracy theories, but still plentiful.

Jim Baerg said...

"whackaloon anti-Catholic conspiracy theories."
To me the weirdest notion about Catholics is the notion some people have that Catholics aren't Christian.
Speaking as a devout atheist ;^)

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Mr. Stirling and Jim!

Mr. Stirling: Correct, too many of both kinds of nonsense about Jews and Catholics. One that has stuck with me is the wild story the Jesuits plotted to kill Abraham Lincoln--never mind that he despised anti-Catholicism!

Jim: Just ask such a person something like this: "Where was Christianity before 1517?" And watch them become speechless!

Ad astra! Sean