Wednesday, 26 February 2025


"The Chapter Ends," "Starfog" and "The Horn of Time the Hunter" are three future historical culminations.

In "The Chapter Ends," psychotechnicians lead Galactic civilization.

In "Starfog," a new period of unprecedented wealth begins in post-Technic civilization.

In "The Horn...," a Kith ship returns from a twenty thousand year round trip to the fringes of the galactic nucleus and its crew will soon learn what has become of the Kith and mankind.

"The Horn..." is such a climax that it will seem like an anti-climax to return to Starfarers or even to its remaining Kith story.

James Blish's works include several future historical culminations:

in The Triumph Of Time, two universes end but several are created;

in "Watershed," Adapted Men recolonize Earth;

in Mission To The Heart Stars, the star dwelling energy beings called Angels will join Earthmen, dolphins, beadmungen and Aaa against the Heart Stars hegemony;

in "This Earth of Hours," survivors of a space battle begin a long journey back to Earth to warn of the threat from the Central Empire.

At the very end of "This Earth...," the viewpoint character sees that the galactic night is as black as death - a threat like the horn heard again at the end of "The Horn..."

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Wait a bit! The adapted men we see in Blish's "Surface Tension were set entirely on an alien planet.

Ad astra! Sean