Thursday, 13 February 2025

What We Experience..., Continued

We might say either that the events prevented by the time traveller simply do not occur - have been prevented from occurring - or that they did occur in the past not of the current timeline but of a second temporal dimension that is at right angles to every particular timeline just as the familiar temporal dimension is at right angles to every successive three-dimensional state of the universe. The Temporal language must have at least two past tenses.

However, if we go with the first of the above two options, then it makes no logical sense for a time time traveller to say that the timeline that he is now in might be deleted and therefore might turn out simply not to exist. It does exist. He is in it while he is speaking. The possible deletion of which he speaks is clearly not an event within the current timeline.

Reading or rereading Poul Anderson's Time Patrol series will show that there is an inherent ambiguity between two different ways of speaking about deleted timelines - maybe because the series is written in English, not in Temporal?

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