Tuesday, 25 February 2025

"Ghetto" And "The Horn..."

In Poul Anderson's Maurai And Kith, "Ghetto" and "The Horn of Time the Hunter" make a neat future historical sequence albeit of only two instalments. "Ghetto" is about the Kithman, Kenri Shaun of Fleetwing, and mentions his friend, Jong Errifrans of the Golden Flyer. "The Horn..." is about Jong but set twenty thousand years later because of time dilation. "The Horn..." is also a spaceship and planet story although the only one in this timeline.

Starfarers incorporates "Ghetto" and one other Kith story, not "The Horn...," and adds some more so that the Kith History exists in two versions. We are used to different versions of single stories but not of future histories.

We encounter Time the Hunter in one Kith story and God the Hunter in several Technic History stories. Such experiences reverberate across the timelines.

The Maurai, "The People of the Sea," encounter a group called "The Sky People," whereas the Kith, "The People of the Stars," encounter a human population that has returned to the sea.

I will be out of town for most of Friday this week so probably will not post then.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I'm still rather sorry Anderson did not incorporate "The Horn of Time..." into STARFARERS. But I can see he would have difficulties doing that. One problem being how to make "Horn" part of the story of the 'Envoy' if the Kith we see in "Horn' only returned to Earth at least 10,000 years after the return of 'Envoy.'

Ad astra! Sean