Friday, 14 February 2025


"The nanoprocessors would take any material and transform it, atom by atom, into anything else for which they had a program."
-The Boat Of A Million Years, XIX, 17, p.509.

""Once an aspect of nature is known, quantum computers and nanotechnic construction make for rapid progress."
-Starfarers, Prologue, p. 12.

- my only point here being that, late in their careers, sf writers of Poul Anderson's generation had to acknowledge nanotechnology. It is probably mentioned in Harvest Of Stars although no references hit me in the face when I looked for them just now. Several of Anderson's later novels share some common features that come cross as more plausible extrapolations than the earlier hyperspace and many aliens stuff. For Love And Glory is an exception. He could also return to earlier series with their already established premises, i.e., there were late addition to the Time Patrol and the Technic History. Old and new combined. 

See blog search result for nanotechnology. (Scroll down.) (There is nanotech in Harvest Of Stars.)

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I would love to see nanotech being used to make houses! Why are we still using hammers, nails, saws, wood, plaster board, cement, etc., to build houses? That kind of tech is ancient!

Nanoconstruction might also be a lot cheaper and less labor intensive.

Ad astra! Sean