Sunday 3 December 2023

A Supernova And Its Place In History

By the end of "The Trouble Twisters," Nicholas van Rijn has founded his first trade pioneer crew and that crew has had its first mission. The narrative has brought together three already-established characters, van Rijn, David Falkayn and Adzel, and one Cynthian. Chee Lan had not appeared before but her home planet, Cynthia, had been mentioned twice. What happens next? The Technic History could stay with van Rijn, stay with the trader team, alternate between them or introduce new characters. Whatever else happens, the series will progress.

In The Technic Civilization Saga, Volume II, David Falkayn: Star Trader, "The Trouble Twisters" is followed by:

two pages of commentary by Hloch, editor of The Earth Book of Stormgate;

a two-and-a-half page account of a giant star that had been noted by a ship of the first Grand Survey and that goes supernova while a scoutship of the Polesotechnic League passes nearby.

Then, after all that, we join Falkayn on Merseia...

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

To paraphrase what Tolkien said about THE LORD OF THE RINGS, the Technic series is too short!

Ad astra! Sean