Saturday 4 January 2020

Three Senses After The Valendary Supernova

"Day of Burning."

The supernova fills the southern Merseian night with blue-white radiance, a third as bright as Korych. Villagers beat drums and pray.

Faded, the star's radiance excites the surrounding gas into a multi-colored nebular lacework.

"Thence also, in Merseia's heaven, streamed huge shuddering banners of aurora, whose whisper was heard even on the ground. An odor of storm was blown on every wind." (p. 272)

The aurora is seen, its whisper is heard and storm is smelled. And, after all that, the nuclear devastation arrives.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And Merseia was darn lucky the Polesotechnic League brokered a means of its civilization surviving! Even tho that was a bitter pill for many Merseians.

Ad astra! Sean