Thursday 30 January 2020

The Structures Of The Three Greatest Series

See the previous post.

Poul Anderson's three greatest series, as I call them, have different sructures:

the Technic History is seven omnibus collections, as we see here again;

the Time Patrol, one omnibus collection and one long novel;

The King Of Ys, a continuous narrative in four long volumes, although I have seen an internet image of the cover for a one-volume edition.

In the Technic History, Volume III culminates in The People Of The Wind which, however, casts its shadow back over Vols I-III because the Earth Book Of Stormgate introduction to the second story in Vol I refers to the Terran War on Avalon which is eventually described in The People Of The Wind. The life time of Dominic Flandry fills three and a half volumes but this does not feel disproportionate. We want not less of Flandry but more of everything else.

After a thirteen year gap, the Time Patrol series began to grow from four short stories until eventually it filled two long volumes. I do not think that I would get into a writer whose works comprised only unconnected short stories.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

But Anderson wrote many fine "unconnected" singleton stories, as I'm realizing yet again from reading some of the stories in the NESFA Press collection THE DOOR TO ANYWHERE. But I do see what you mean about preferring connected series of stories and novels.

Ad astra! Sean