Saturday 25 January 2020

Three Didonians

The Rebel Worlds, CHAPTER NINE.

The rhino is a noga.
The bird is a krippo.
The ape is a ruka.

Three Didonian entities, Master of Songs, Cave Discoverer and Many Thoughts, differ only in their krippos. I think that that makes them the same person with only a third of their memories different - assuming that each of the three units carries a third of the memories.

However, these three Didonians have different skills:

Master of Songs, self-explanatory;

Cave Discoverer, explorer and adventurer;

Many Thoughts, the wisest in the communion, journeying in the spirit.

The shared noga and ruka provide a common vigor and boldness.

I am learning more about Didonians by heeding these details.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

The rukas can't actually be the size of a Terrestrial ape. I'm sure it's more like the size of our chimpanzees. Else I don't think nogas could carry both them and krippos.

Yes, "Master of Song" is self explanatory, a poet and maybe musician. And I would consider "Many Thoughts" as equivalent to a philosopher.

Would or could Didonians ever develop literacy and writing? The system they have of one third of memories and knowledge being divided among rukas, nokas, and krippos might delay that. But I think some kind of writing would need to be eventually invented, because I think there is a limit to how much knowledge the units of a Didonian entity can retain and pass on.

Ad astra! Sean