Tuesday 28 January 2020

Breakfast In The Hooligan

A Knight Of Ghosts And Shadows, XII.

"He joined her at table. Orange juice shone above the cloth. Coffee made the air fragrant. He drank fast." (p. 493)

"Chives brought in an omelet and fresh-baked bread." (p.494)

We vicariously enjoy three senses and, blogging late in the evening, I look forward to breakfast tomorrow morning.

Flandry, Chives and Kossara speed towards troubled Dennitza but that planet is so far out in the marches that the journey will take a month. We enjoy their time together in the Hooligan and anticipate the excitement of their arrival.

See The Food Thread.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Very tempting, these meals prepared by that master cook, Chives!

Both Diomedes and Dennitza seems to be at the very ends of the Empire, opposite to each other. And so huge was the Empire that I'm not surprised it took even the fastest FTL ships or courier boats a month to go from one end to the other.

Ad astra! Sean