Thursday 23 January 2020

To Eat Or Not To Eat

The Rebel Worlds, CHAPTER NINE.

Wells' Martians extract blood from human beings and inject it into themselves. Two members of a Didonian triple entity draw blood from the third. Flandry's reaction:

"Lord, how horrible." (p. 454)

Does he find symbiotic blood-sucking distasteful? No:

"Never to revel in a tournedos or a peche flambee -" (ibid.) (See The Food Thread.)

Flandry is being parochial. He never experiences the pleasures of many other species that have different sense organs.

The six werewolf children of B.B. Wolf and Snow White learn that they have a seventh sibling who is a ghost and does not eat:

"That's it? No hot dogs, or pizza bites, or noodles, or ice cream, or even BIRTHDAY CAKE?"
"Nope. None of that."
"But that's terrible. How can you LIVE without birthday cake?
-Bill Willingham, Fables: The Good Prince (New York, NY, 2008), p. 116, panels 2-3.

Flandry's response is on the same level as theirs.

It would be a very good thing if an intelligent being were able to draw all the energy that it required from air, sunlight, fresh water and cosmic rays. 

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

While I'm not particularly a foodie, I'm more inclined than not to agree with Flandry! It seems rather drab and dreary that the only fook nugas and krippos can eat is blood drawn from the rukas.

Ad astra! Sean