Tuesday 14 January 2020

Talwinian Seasons

Talwin's distance from Siekh varies from 0.87 to 2.62 astronomical units.

Summer: 6 months;
fall: 6 weeks;
winter: 15 months;
spring: 6 weeks.

Rapid seasonal changes: see Talwin.

Talwin, like Starkad, has two intelligent species. Domrath feast and copulate all fall and hibernate in winter whereas Ruadrath estivate as sea animals all summer. The two species never meet. Extraplanetary help might be necessary to help them to break out of their seasonal cycles. The planet acquires a joint Terran-Merseian scientific base.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

That is an interesting question: HOW could races like the Domrath and Ruadrath, which had evolved hibernating and estivating for surviving the winters and summers of Talwin escape that crippling handicap? I would hope a scientist who had studied such things might comment here.

Ad astra! Sean

S.M. Stirling said...

There were multiple hominid species for most of the time since the first bipedal australopithecines -- it's only the last 30K years or so that has seen as the "last hominid standing". The emergence of behaviorally modern humans evidently removed the selective pressure leading to diverse speciation in our lineage -- humans were better-adapted (using culture) to -any- environment than a hominid that specifically evolved features for it.